Photo Requirements

Please get a photo ready before you book your appointment that meets the following requirements. We may need to cancel your appointment if the photo does not meet the standards.

Your photo is shared with our Healers shortly prior to and during your Coherence Healing so they have target to tune into.

Yes ✓

A healthy and happy photo from the shoulders up showing your eyes. The photo should be clear and non-blurry so we can see your face.


Shoulders up showing the eyes ✓

Looking towards the camera ✓

Black and white is fine too ✓

Cropped group photo that is clear ✓

No ✗

Format: HEIC and PDF is not accepted

Blurry photo ✗

Dark photo ✗

Showing the
full body ✗

No other people / pets
visible ✗

Angled photos ✗

Eyes closed ✗

No sunglasses ✗

Looking away from the camera ✗

Cropped photos

You can crop the photo after you upload it in our booking system. There is an excellent crop feature available on the toolbar on the left hand side.

Too blurry ✗

Other person visible ✗

Cropped too close to the face ✗